The word Tithe simply means a tenth part. Historically it was the tenth part of all agricultural produce taken as a tax for the support of the Church and clergy. Later, as industry replaced agriculture the system ended and the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836 replaced tithes with 'cash'. To enable this it was necessary to map all properties liable to the new charge, apportion a value, and define who was responsible for the tax.
The Tithe Map for Ledbury, published in 1839, gives a snapshot of land ownership and tenancy for the Borough. Unfortunately the associated Apportionment is listed alphabetically under the owner's name but,this is clearly inconvenient for family historians looking for ancestors.
I have compiled a list with the tenants in alphabetical order and using the maps, together with the associated plot numbers, you should be able to tell exactly where your ancestor lived.
There are over 500 names listed. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but there are bound to be some mistakes, not least in reading early C19 hand writing. Note I have not included names of owners or tenants where the plot description is just meadow or orchard. Scroll down to access the database.

Two maps are available.
Map 1 is easy to read accessed here but note, does not include the top end of the Homend.
The second map does include the whole of the Homend but is not so easy to read and can be accessed here.
The 1839 Borough Boundary at the time is shown on this map as a green line.

I have,where possible, added the street name to the Plot No. Note, street names of the time have been used. e.g. Horse Lane (now Worcester Road) and Back Lane (now Church Street)).


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Abriel James Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Ackrell Ann Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend
Adey Elizabeth Biddulph John 249 House & Garden New Street
Alder James Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Alford William Russell William 272 House & Garden Southend
Allen John Juckes William 283 House & Garden Southend
Allgood Alfred Miles Philip John 259 House & Yard Southend
Allgood Edwin Ford John 257 House Corner New St & Southend
Ambler George Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Amy Mary Miles Philip John 260 House & Garden Southend
Amy Sarah Webb Thomas the late 85 House & Yard Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Badcock James Ford John 256 House & Yard New Street
Badsey George Merrick William 133 House & Garden Homend
Badsey John Maddox William 100 House & Garden Homend
Baggott Ann Parish of Ledbury 159 House & Garden Bye Street
Baggott James Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Bailey George Holbrook the late James 166 House & Garden Bye Street
Bailey James Bailey James 189 House & Garden Bye Street
Baker Reverend Ward James 277 House & Garden Southend
Ballard Philip Russell William 271 House & Garden Southend
Ballard Robert Miles Philip John 239 Brickyard New Street
Ballard Robert Russell William 271 House & Garden Southend
Ballard Thomas Spencer Timothy 41 House & Garden Church Lane
Banks John St Catherine's Hospital 196 House & Yard Bye Street
Banks Sarah St Catherine's Hospital 86 House & Garden Homend
Baptist Society Baptist Society 127 Chapel Homend
Barnes George Barnes George 190 House & Garden Bye Street
Barnes James Bellers William 137 House & Yard Homend
Barnett Peter Slade Robert 109 House & Garden Homend
Barrett James Sexty George 71 House & Garden Homend
Barrett William Barrett Willima 69 House & Yard Homend
Baston William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Baylis Elizabeth Mutlow Benjamin 154 House Corner Bye Street & Homend
Baylis Joseph Spencer Timothy 129 House & Garden Homend
Baylis Joseph White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Baylis Philip Junior Edy Charlotte & Ballard Ann 76 House & Garden Homend
Baylis Philip Senior Edy Charlotte & Ballard Ann 76 House & Garden Homend
Bayliss Thomas Bayliss Thomas 152 House, Garden & Yard Homend
Beddoe Charles Asprey Hollings John 280 House & Garden Southend
Beddoe Charles Asprey Wood Miles Astman 230 House & Cider W'house New Street
Beddoe John Skipp Ann 21 House & Yard High Sreet
Bennett Ann Pedlingham William 102 House & Garden Homend
Bennett Benjamin Ford John 126 House & Garden Homend
Bestell William White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Bibbs John Edy Charlotte & Ballard Ann 68 House & Yard Homend
Biddulph John Biddulph John 2 House & Yard Horse Lane
Bills Benjamin Junior Bills Benjamin Junior 224 House & Garden New Street
Bills Thomas Phillips John 132 House & Yard Homend
Bishop Charlotte Bowkett Elizabeth 289 House & Yard Bye Street Temperance Court
Bishop Elizabeth Bowkett Elizabeth 289 House & Yard Bye Street Temperance Court
Bishop George Nason Mary 36 House & Yard Church Lane
Blackway John Mason Mary 36 House & Yard Church Lane
Bosley Andrew Parish of Ledbury 159 House & Garden Bye Street
Bosley Benjamin Bosley Thomas 151 House & Garden Homend
Bosley Elizabeth Gregg Sidney 180 Warehouse Bye Street
Bosley Elizabeth Gregg Sidney 184 Smith's Shop Bye Street
Bosworth James Mason Mary 36 House & Yard Church Lane
Boughey Benjamin Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Boughey James Parish of Ledbury 92 House & Garden Homend
Boulter James Boulter James 31 House & Garden High Street
Boulter Moses Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend
Bowkett Charles Spencer Timothy 41 House & Garden Church Lane
Bowkett Charles Spencer Timothy 62 House & Garden Back Lane
Bowkett Elizabeth Spencer Timothy 131 House & Garden Homend
Bowkett Frederick Barrett William 148 House & Yard Homend
Bowkett Sarah Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Bowkett Thomas Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Bowkett Thomas Webb Thomas the late 56 House & Garden Back Lane
Bowkett William Holbrook James the late 146 House & Yard Homend
Bowkett William Mutlow Benjamin 176 Cottage & Garden Bye Street
Bowler Thomas Mutlow Benjamin 154 House Corner Bye Street & Homend
Bridges Benjamin Slade Robert 110 House & Yard Homend
Brown John Spencer Timothy 131 House & Garden Homend
Brown Richard Brown Richard 12 House Corner High St. & Horse Lane
Brown Thomas Brown Thomas 29 House & Garden High Street
Browning Absalom Spencer Timothy 131 House & Garden Homend
Bubb James Ward Francis 104 House & Garden Homend
Bubb Richard Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Budges William Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Buffin James Slade Robert 141 House & Garden Homend
Bullock Sarah Edwards Richard 123 House & Yard Homend
Burden John Drew John & late Edy John 23 House & Garden High Street
Burden John Junior Webb Thomas the late 205 House & Cider W'house High Street
Burgess John Buzaglo John 22 House & Garden Back Lane
Burrows John Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Homend
Burton Samuel Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Butt Edward Spencer Timothy 131 House & Garden Homend
Butt John Gregg Sidney 180 Warehouse Bye Street
Butt John Gregg Sidney 184 Smith's Shop Bye Street
Butt John Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Butt William Beard Howsell? 28 House High Street
Butt William Cooper Joseph 26 Buildings High Street
Buzaglo Ann Meacham Edward 17 House High Street


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Caldrid William Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Cale James Webb Thomas the late 32 House & Garden High Street
Cale Joseph Cale Joseph 72 House & Garden Homend
Cale Thomas Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Cale William Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Cale William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Cale William Slade Robert 10 House & Yard Horse Lane
Calloway Richard Higgins Joseph Allen 214 House & Yard New Street
Carwardine James Russell Thomas 241 House & Yard New Street
Carwardine Mary Carwardine Mary 209 House & Garden New Street
Carwardine William Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Chadd Henry Chadd Henry 264 House Southend
Chrees Maria White thomas 212 House & Yard New Street
Chrystall J F Ford John 126 House & Garden Homend
Clarke Priscilla Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Clarke Thomas Chadd Henry 264 House Southend
Clinton William Gregg Sidney 181 House & Shop Bye Street
Clinton William Gregg Sidney 183 House & Shop Bye Street
Coldrick William Juckes Elizabeth 84 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Cole Ann Edwards Richard 123 House & Yard Homend
Cole Thomas late Mutlow Benjamin 87 House & Garden Homend
Collins James Juckes William 275 House & Yard Southend
Collins James Mutlow Hannah 274 House & Garden Southend
Cook Charles Miles Philip John 20 House & Garden High Street
Coook James Davis William 106 House & Garden Homend
Cook William Higgins Joseph Allen 70 House & Garden Homend
Cook William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Cooke John Slade Robert 109 House & Garden Homend
Cooke Sarah White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Cooper Ann Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Cooper Jane Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Cooper Joseph Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Cotton Thomas Sexty Robert 73 House & Garden Homend
Cottrell Robert Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Cottrell Thomas Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Cottrill Richard Higgins Reverend Joseph 167 House & Garden Bye Street
Coulston Thomas Spencer Timothy 130 House & Garden Homend
Court Richard Grundy Richard 228 House & Yard Bye Street
Covett Sarah Pedlingham William 102 House & Garden Homend
Cowmeadow James Slade Robert 143 House & Garden Homend
Cox John Cox Philip Poole 203 House & Yard High Street
Crewe Henry St Catherine's Hospital 202 House & Yard High Street
Crooke Mary Hatton William junior 82 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Dale Thomas Drew J. & Edy John the late 291 House & Garden not on map
Dalley Benjamin Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Dalley James Slade Robert 109 House & Garden Homend
Dalley Joseph Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Dalley Thomas Bills Benjamin senior 94 House & Yard Homend
Dando James Slade Robert 251 House & Cider W'hse New Street
Davis Barneby White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Davis Catherine Hooper Thomas 83 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Davis Charlotte Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Davis Eleanor Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Davis Emmanuel St Catherins's Hospital 197 House & Yard Bye Street
Davis Hannah Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Davis Henry Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Davis Ivan Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Davis James Bayliss Elizabeth 135 House & Garden Homend
Davis James Bellers William 137 House & Garden Bye Street
Davis James Gregg Sidney 188 House & Yard Bye Street
Davis James Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Davis James Mutlow Benjamin 87 House & Garden Homend
Davis John Holbrook James the late 166 House & Garden Bye Street
Davis John Mutlow Benjamin 87 House & Garden Homend
Davis Mary Gregg James 177 House & Garden Bye Street
Davis Mary Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Davis Thomas Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Davis William Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Denton Henry Slade Robert 263 House & Garden Southend
Derick Ann Bailey James 189 House & Garden Bye Street
Dunn George Slade Robert 51 House & Cider W'hse New Street
Dutson Joseph Spencer Timothy 129 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Eaton John Tyler Mary 44 House Back Lane
Edwards Charles Slade Robert 13 House & Garden High Street
Edwards Richard Edwards Richard 124 House & Garden Homend
Edwards William Bowkett Hannah 192 House Bye Street
Edy Hubert Edy Hubert 178 Orchard & Garden Bye Street
Edy Hubert Mutlow Benjamin 149 House & Yard Homend
Edy John Drew John & Edy J. the late 33 House, Building & Yard Church Street
Edy John Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Elsdon James Edy John 53 House & Yard Back Lane
Elsmore Ann Mason Samuel 288 House & Yard Not found on map
Ely William Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Evans Elizabeth Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Evans John Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Evans Samuel Southend Charity School 107 House & Garden Homend
Evans Widow Southend Charity School 107 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Farley Thomas Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Fawke Ann Grundy Thomas 226 House & Garden Bye Street
Fawke Eliza Gurney George 157 House & Yard Bye Street
Fawke William Phelps Robert 194 House & Garden Bye Street
Fleetmore William Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Fleetwood John Fleetwood John 221 House & Yard New Street
Fleetwood John Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Fleetwood John Slade Robert 187 House & Garden Bye Street
Fleetwood William Gregg James 93 House & Garden Homend
Floyd Christiana Hooper Thomas 83 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Ford John Ford John 121 Rope Walk & Garden Homend
Fowler Ann Maysey William 11 House Horse Lane
Fraser Charlotte School. J. Biddulph Trustee 268 House & Yard Southend
Freeman William Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Gaffrey Mary Pedlingham William 102 House & Garden Homend
Gale Stephen Bowkett Elizabeth 289 House & Yard Bye Street Temperance Court
Gay Timothy Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
George Richard Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
George Samuel Meredith William 287 House & Yard Bye Street
Gibbons Elizabeth Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Gibbs James Junior Mutlow Benjamin 153 House & Yard Homend
Godsall Richard Lucy Sarah 179 House & Garden Bye Street
Grainger William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Green John St Catherine's Hospital 196 House & Yard Bye Street
Gregg James Gregg James 139 House & Garden Homend
Gregg Sidney Gregg Sidney 181 House & Shop Bye Street
Gregg Sidney Gregg Sidney 183 House & Shop Bye Street
Gregg Sidney Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Grey Reverend John Grey Reverend John 30 Chapel High Street
Griffiths James Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Griffiths John Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Griffiths John Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Griffiths Richard Gregg James 95 house & Garden Homend
Griffiths Susan Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Griffiths Thomas Mutlow Benjamin 87 House & Garden Homend
Griffiths William Hatton William Junior 82 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Grundy John Grundy John 227 House & Garden Bye Street
Gurney Ann Ward Sarah 276 House & Garden Southend
Gurney Charles Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Gurney Edwin Holbrook Charles the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Gurney George Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Gurney Jane Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Gurney Mary Gregg Sidney 193 House Bye Street
Gwinnett Isaac Higgins Joseph Reverend 269 House,Garden & Orch'd Southend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Hammond John Grundy James 226 House & Garden Bye Street
Hankins Edward Hollings John 281 House & Garden Southend
Hankins Henry Ford John 256 House & Yard New Street
Harbour Henry Slade Robert 143 House & Garden Homend
Hardman John Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Hardwick John Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Hardwick Thomas Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Harris George Brydges Edward 35 House & Yard Church Lane
Hatton Sarah Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Hatton Thomas Spencer Timothy 62 House & Garden Back Lane
Hatton William Hatton William 55 House & Garden Back Lane
Heath Benjamin Parish of Ledbury 92 House & Garden Homend
Heath Elizabeth Parish of Ledbury 159 House & Garden Bye Street
Hemming William Skipp Ann 67 House & Yard Homend
Herbert Matthews Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Hester Ann Webb Thomas the late 85 House & Yard Homend
Hew James Ford John 126 House & Garden Homend
Higgins Joseph Allen Higgins Joseph Allen 255 House & Yard New Street
Hill Charles Chadd Henry 264 House Southend
Hill James Hill James 96 House & Garden Homend
Hill Lydia Slade Robert 187 House & Garden Bye Street
Hill Mary Russell Thomas 241 House & Yard New Street
Hill Thomas Lucy Sarah 186 House & Garden Bye Street
Hillier & Blackwell Gregg James 140 House & Yard Homend
Hinds James Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Hinds Sarah Ward Francis 104 House & Garden Homend
Hoare William Gregg James 95 House & Garden Homend
Hodges Benjamin St Catherine's Hospital 197 House & Yard Bye Street
Hodges Benjamin junior Gregg James 177 House & Garden Bye Street
Hodges James Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Hodges Joseph Ford John 256 House & Yard New Street
Hodges Michael Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Hodges Richard Slade Robert 143 House & Garden Homend
Hodges William Meredith William 287 House & Yard Bye Street
Holbrook Ann Holbrook Ann 145 House,Garden & Orch'd Homend
Holbrook Thomas Webb Thomas the late 74 House & Garden Homend
Hollings William Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Hook Mary Phelps Robert 194 House & Yard Bye Street
Hooper Elizabeth Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Hooper Richard Slade Robert 110 House & Yard Homend
Hooper Robert Drew John & Edy J. the late 223 Building & Garden New Street
Hooper Robert Slade Robert 217 House & Yard New Street
Hooper Robert Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Hooper Thomas Hooper Thomas 90 House & Garden Homend
Hope John St Catherine's Hospital 86 House & Garden Homend
Hubbins Mary Slade Robert 110 House & Yard Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Jauncey Joseph Hammond Edward 79 House Homend
Jauncey Robert Edy John 53 House & Yard Back Lane
Jay Richard Bowkett Elizabeth 289 House & Yard Bye Street Temperance Court
Jay Richard Meredith William 287 House & Yard Bye Street
Jeffs Thomas Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Jenkins Mary Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Jones Elizabeth Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Jones Griffiths Edwards Richard 123 House & Yard Homend
Jones James Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Jones John Gregg Sidney 294 House & Garden Not on map
Jones Richard Bithell John 94 House & Yard Homend
Jones Robert Bithell William 97 House & Garden Homend
Jones Robert Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Jones Thomas Holbrook James the late 166 House & Garden Bye Street
Jones William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Jones William Maddox William 100 House & Garden Homend
Juckes Benjamin Juckes Benjamin 78 House & Garden Homend
Juckes Elizabeth Juckes Elizabeth 211 House & Yard New Street
Juckes Robert Miles Philip John 261 House Southend
Juckes William Juckes William 283 House & Garden Southend
Justins John Hatton George 265 House & Garden Southend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Kings John Slade Robert 273 House & Garden Southend
Knight Ford John 126 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Lambert Benjamin White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Lambert Susan Hatton William Junior 80 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Lancett Thomas Gregg James 177 House & Garden Bye Street
Lane Richard Webb Thomas the late 54 House & Garden Back Lane
Lane Thomas Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend
Leade William Edy John 53 House & Yard Back Lane
Leathergood William Ford John 256 House & Yard New Street
Ledbury Union Ledbury Union 116 Poor House & Yard Orchard Street
Lewis John Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Lindridge Elizabeth Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane
Lisseman Bayliss Joseph 281 House & Garden Southend
Lisseman William Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Lisseman William Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Loade Joseph Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Loade William Slade Robert 262 House & Yard Southend
Longford Charles Bellers William 137 House & Yard Homend
Lucy Robert Mutlow Benjamin 176 Cottage & Garden Bye Street


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Maddox Elizabeth Southend Charity School 279 House & Garden Southend
Maddox Mary Southend Charity School 107 House & Garden Homend
Maddox William Maddox William 100 House & Garden Homend
Malthouse Francis Juckes William 275 House & Yard Southend
Marven John White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Masefield George Reece Harriet 3 House & Yard Horse Lane
Mason Mary Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend
Mason Samuel Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Matthews Ann Webb Thomas the late 56 House & Garden Back Lane
Matthews John Biddulph John 248 House & Yard New Street
Matthews Thomas Matthews Thomas 254 House & Yard New Street
Mayall Ann Brown Thomas 219 House & Yard New Street
Mayall Ann Brown Thomas 220 House & Yard New Street
Mayo Thomas Bithell William 97 House & Garden Homend
Meacham Edwin Gresley Dame Maria 172 Cottage & Garden Bye Street
Meacham Edwin Meacham Edward 18 House & Garden High Street
Meacham Edwin Sanders Ann 38 Cider Warehouse Church Lane
Meredith John Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Meredith Stephen Buzaglo John 22 House & Garden High Street
Meredith William Russell Thomas 241 House & Yard New Street
Merrick James Collins James 278 House & Garden Southend
Merrick Senior(?) Slade Robert 251 House & Cider W'House New Street
Miller Leonard Ward Francis 104 House & Garden Homend
Milton John Spencer Timothy 63 House Corner High St & Homend
Milton John Junior Gurney George 157 House & Garden Bye Street
Moore Daniel Sanders Ann 38 Cider Warehouse Church Lane
Morgan Joseph Spencer Timothy 62 House & Garden Back Lane
Morgan Joseph Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Morgan Mary St Catherine's Hospital 86 House & Garden Homend
Morgan Thomas Spencer Timothy 113 House & Garden Homend
Morris Hannah Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Morris Jacob Higgins Reverend Joseph 167 House & Garden Bye Street
Morris John Holbrook the late James 166 House & Garden Bye Street
Morris William Mutlow Benjamin 87 House & Garden Homend
Morris William Slade Robert 109 House & Garden Homend
Moss John Ward Sarah 15 House & Garden High Street
Murrell Ann Murrell Ann 258 House & Yard Southend
Mutlow Benjamin Mutlow Benjamin 155 Tan Yard Bye Street
Mutlow Benjamin Mutlow Benjamin 150 House & Gardens Homend
Mutlow Benjamin Mutlow Benjamin 37 Tan Yard Church Lane
Mutlow Hannah Mutlow Hannah 24 House & Garden High Street


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Napper John Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Needs James Slade Robert 251 House & Cider W'house New Street
New Ellen Mason Mary 36 House & Yard Church Lane
New William Bayliss Elizabeth 135 House & Garden Homend
Nicholas Margaret Hooper William 91 House & Garden Homend
Nicholas Samuel Matthews Thomas 254 House & Yard New Street
Norris William Norris William 253 House & Yard New Street
Norris William Slade Robert 110 House & Yard Homend
Nott Benjamin Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Nott Edwin Hyde 222 House & Garden New Street
Nott James Taylor Eliza 266 House, Yard & Garden Southend
Nott Samuel Nott Samuel 206 House & Yard High Street
Nott Thomas Nott Thomas 218 House & Yard New Street


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Oakley Thomas Miles Philip John 259 House & Yard Southend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Parish Officers of L'bury Parish Officers of L'bury 48 Committee Room Church Lane
Parish Officers of L'bury Parish Officers of L'bury 49 Cage Church Lane
Parish Officers of L'bury Parish Officers of L'bury 45 School & Yard Church Lane
Parker Levi Fisher John 289 House Bye Street
Parker William Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Pedlingham Samuel Matthews Thomas 254 House & Yard New Street
Phillips Ann Grundy James 226 House & Garden Bye Street
Phillips Mary Spencer Timothy 130 House & Garden Homend
Pillinger William Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Pitt Henry Pitt Henry 34 House & Yard Church Lane
Pitt Henry White Thomas 212 House & Yard New Street
Pitt Walter Hollings John 208 House & Yard Corner High St & New St
Powell Thomas Edy John 53 House & Yard Back Lane
Power Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Preece William Ward Francis 104 House & Garden Homend
Preedy John Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Price Elizabeth Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Price George Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Price James Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Price Lucy Bills Benjamin junior 224 House & Garden New Street
Probert Ann Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Probert William Bailey James 189 House & Garden Bye Street
Prosser Thomas Taylor Eliza 267 House & Yard Southend
Pullen Ann Martin John 113 House & Garden Homend
Pullen Benjamin Bowkett Elizabeth 289 House & Yard Bye Street Temperance Court
Pullen Elizabeth Bayliss Elizabeth 135 House & Garden Homend
Pullen Francis Lucy Sarah 179 House & Garden Bye Street
Purcell Edward B Brown Thomas 219 House & Yard New Street
Purcell Edward B Brown Thomas 220 House & Yard New Street
Purcell Samuel Bellers William 138 House & Yard Homend
Purcell Samuel Bellers William 134 Wheelwrights & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Reece Patrick Bayliss Joseph 281 House & Garden Southend
Reece William Reece William 252 House & Yard New Street
Reel Benjamin Slade Robert 263 House & Garden Southend
Rider Richard Rider Richard 279 House & Yard Southend
Roberts Charles Juckes Benjamin 78 House & Garden Homend
Robinson John Underwood William 103 House & Garden Homend
Rodgers John Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Russell Hannah Russell William 271 House & Garden Southend
Russell Thomas Russell Thomas 241 House & Yard New Street
Russell William Russell William 272 House & Garden Southend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
S(h or t)eers William Russell Thomas 284 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Sandy Hannah Hooper Thomas 284 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Seaborne John Gregg Sidney 193 House Bye Street
Seabourne Sarah Webb Thomas the late 56 House & Garden Back Lane
Sexty George Sexty George 71 House & Garden Homend
Sexty Robert Sexty Robert 73 House & Garden Homend
Shakesheff William Slade Robert 110 House & Yard Homend
Shaw William Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend
Shin John Phillips John 132 House & Yard Homend
Shinn Sarah Shinn Sarah 250 House & Yard New Street
Sifford Edward Gregg Sidney 181 House & Shop Bye Street
Sifford Edward Gregg Sidney 183 House & Shop Bye Street
Skipp Ann Skipp Ann 147 House & Yard Homend
Smallridge Elizabeth Grundy Richard 228 House & Yard Bye Street
Smallridge Elizabeth Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Smallridge Thomas Slade Robert 143 House & Garden Homend
Smith Benjamin Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Smith George Holbrook James the late 166 House & Garden Bye Street
Smith Henry Hooper Thomas 89 House & Yard Homend
Smith Henry Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Smith John Sexty George 71 House & Garden Homend
Smith Susan Brown Thomas 39 House Church Lane
Smith William Bailey James 189 House & Garden Bye Street
Smith William Mason Mary 36 House & Yard Church Lane
Smith William Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Somers Ann Gregg James 95 House & Garden Homend
Sparkman Philip Slade Robert 141 House & Garden Homend
Spencer John Webb Thomas the late 57 House & Garden Back Lane
Spencer Mrs Spencer Timothy 65 House & Garden Corner High St & Homend
Spencer Timothy Spencer Timothy 41 House & Garden Church Lane
St Catherine's Hospital St Catherine's Hospital 199 House High Street
St Catherine's Hospital St Catherine's Hospital 200 House & Garden High Street
St Catherine's Hospital St Catherine's Hospital 201 Chapel High Street
Staunton Samuel Hatton George 265 House & Garden Southend
Stephens John Gregg Sidney 160 House & Garden Bye Street
Stephens Mary Lucy John 99 House & Garden Homend
Stephens Richard Ward Francis 104 House & Garden Homend
Stephenson James Cale Joseph 72 House & Garden Homend
Sullivan John Phillips John 132 House & Yard Homend
Symonds Joseph Davis William 106 House & Garden Homend
Symonds Joseph Southend Charity School 107 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Taylor Eliza Taylor Eliza 204 House Stable & Yard High Street
Taylor George Bayliss Elizabeth 135 House & Garden Homend
Taylor James Hatton George 265 House & Garden Southend
Taylor Mary Parish of Ledbury 92 House & Garden Homend
Taylor Richard Hooper Thomas 284 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Taylor Richard Williams Spencer Timothy 41 House & Garden Church Lane
Taylor Thomas Higgins Reverend Joseph 167 Houise & Garden Bye Street
Taylor Thomas Taylor Thomas 213 House & Yard New Street
Taylor William Taylor William 19 House & Yard High Street
Terry John Reece William 252 House & Yard New Street
Thackwell Jane Webb Thomas the late 74 House & Garden Homend
Thomas James Hatton William junior 80 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Thomas Richard Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Tomlins Robert Maysey William 11 House Horse Lane
Toney Joseph Dunn George 98 House & Garden Homend
Tovey Caroline Parish Officers of Ledbury 46 House Church Lane
Tovey Richard Maysey William 11 House Horse Lane
Tranter Fleetwood Thomas 75 House & Garden Homend
Treherne John (late) Bills Benjamin senior 94 House & Yard Homend
Treherne William (late) Bosley John 185 House Bye Street
Treherne Henry Buzaglo John 22 House & Garden High Street
Treherne James Dando Treherne James Dando 66 House & Yard Homend
Treherne John Merrick William 133 House & Garden Homend
Turner Abigail Hatton George 265 House & Garden Southend
Turner John Lucy Sarah 215 House & Garden New Street
Turner Maria Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Turner Thomas Gregg Sidney 294 House & Garden not on map
Tustin Elizabeth Gregg James 177 House & Garden Bye Street


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Underwood Thomas School. J Biddulph Trustee 268 House & Yard Southend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Walker Susan Gregg James 93 House & Garden Homend
Walkers Henry Pitt Henry 88 House & Yard Homend
Walsh Joseph Biddulph John 249 House & Garden New Street
Walters William Hooper Thomas 81 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Ward Sarah Ford John 126 House & Garden Homend
Ward Thomas Webb Thomas the late 207 House & Yard High Street
Wargent John Edy John 53 House & Yard Back Lane
Wargent William Turberville Rev. George 51 House & Yard Back Lane
Wargent William Tyler Mary 43 House Back Lane
Wargent William Webb Thomas the late 54 House & Garden Back Lane
Warner John Ward James 105 House & Garden Homend
Weaver Robert Holbrook James the late 136 House & Yard Homend
Webb Daniel White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Webb Elias White Thomas 128 House & Garden Homend
Webb Elizabeth Hatton Thomas 285 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Webb Elizabeth Hatton William junior 82 House & Yard Homend Smoke Alley
Webb Holbrook & Spencer Webb Thomas the late 205 House & Cider W'house High Street
Webb John Cooper Joseph 26 Buildings High Street
Webb Mary Holbrook James the late 144 House & Yard Homend
Webb Mrs Russell Thomas 241 House & Yard New Street
Webb Sarah Hatton George 265 House & Garden Southend
Welsh John Hollings John 208 House & Yard Corner High St & New St
Wesleyan Society Wesleyan Society 114 Chapel & Yard Homend
Weston Thomas Bsrnes Georgr 191 House & Garden Bye Street
Whitaker Joseph Bosley John 185 House Bye Street
Wilkes Charles Wilkes Charles 210 House & Yard New Street
Williams Edward St Catherine's Hospital 86 House & Garden Homend
Williams James Hatton William 52 House & Yard Back Lane Ant's Nest
Williams Richard Slade Robert 14 House High Street
Williams Thomas St Catherine's Hospital 86 House & Garden Homend
Wo(?) bell & Summers Spencer Timothy 64 House Corner High St. & Homend
Wood Miles Astman Wood Miles Astman 230 House & Cider W'house New Street
Woodyatt Thomas Mason Mary 101 House & Garden Homend


Tenant Owner Plot No Description Location
Yarnold Dinah Lucy Sarah 186 House & Garden Bye Street
Yarnold John St Catherine's Hospital 196 House & Yard Bye Street
Yarnold Widow Spencer Timothy 130 House & Garden Homend